I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute and then I'll be nothing forever. 
idk all I watch is gilmore girls on repeat 
Midnight Library
2000s hits 
I'm Hongos (pronounced on-goes)! My friends also call me mushroom or Honk Goose. My life is a little messy right now, so I have been taking a break from the game but I will be popping in every now and then :) Currently practicing my Spanish and reading a lot- if you got any book recommendations please let me know!
 I'm around more often these days and trying to dabble a bit in competitive breeding again! Though, not sure I will be leading another team anytime soon. However, it was an absolute pleasure leading Arcane Trotters and was the most fun I have ever had on this game. I love the community that I found within this team. I have learned so much from all of you, in terms of the game and also in terms of just what it means to care for people that I have never actually seen in front of me. Y'all mean so much to me, thank you. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

Layout by Purple Wishes