Happy Howrsing everyone
Please stay safe, and take care of yourself!
Song of the day: Crywolf- Eyes Half Closed
- Feel free to send me a friend request, I always accept.
- I appreciate receiving PMs
- I return all congratulations I see
Update: So... currently I'm not as active as I would like to be. But, I'm still going to log on as much as I can. If I don't respond to requests or messages instantly it's because I haven't seen them.
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Hello there! Thank you for stopping by.
A bit about me:
- I've been on this site since I was 12, though I've had different accounts.
- I love animals- including animals like spiders, scorpions and other "creepy" creatures. Currently I own an array, and I love them all. Perhaps I'll post pictures of them on here soon.
- I am an adult
- I love music; I especially love heavier genres and EDM.
- I live basically in the middle of nowhere.
- I may be awkward... but I love meeting new people.
[All stamps go to their respective owners]