If you are reading this you decided look at my page. Thank you! Feel free to call me paintedskye.

In this game I am trying to get all the "coat" trophy's. The trophy I’m working on changes pretty frequently so feel free to pm me if you want to help.

I don’t spend real world money to buy passes very often, so I rely on the events and daily objectives. I have a large collection of BMI’s from my time in the game so I generally spend my passes on divines. 

Feel free to reach out! Right now I’m playing every day. Keep in mind that sometimes I stop playing for a while, but I always come back.  

Howrse Abbreviations:

BMI's =Black Market Items

PM = Post Message

GA = Golden Apple

DA = Diamond Apple

RC = Retired Golden Apple Coat

AP Farming = In AP Farming, you or someone else takes care of a lot of your horses to get Aging Points.

PM me if you have any more!