+ A constant state of disassociation and they only are sometimes on this plane of existance.
+ Something that often goes lower than the red of below average intelligence.

Greetings to all. I am not completely new to this site, for I have played before, but due to a multitude of real life events, obstacles, influences, and neglecting my old account, I had to cease. Things are still odd to me, and maybe over time I will do a better job with this presentation. Things in real life are still a blend, it's not better yet, it's taking time, but, I am still holding on.

I am always open for a well-plotted role-play. I would like to stay in my comfort zone of animal or nonhuman role-play, fantasy, semi/realistic. I'm not very comfortable with purpleprose/wolfspeak. I may try human. I seek responses of at least 150+ words.

To those close to me (or other places, because I assume I don't know anyone here), I am named The Catalyst, Cat, Snow, Lacrymosa, Transcendence, Baby Bird, Baby Snow Bird, Buirb, Elysium, Lithium, Eo, iDyll, iDys or Supernovae. Or whatever. By a blend of nature and nurture I am dispassionate, stone-like, but a little hard to provoke. Harmless. Friendly even. There are still some small spontaneous friendly moments of mine in there. So, please, don't shy away as even the loners that have lived too long sometimes yearn for a sliver of companionship.
When other days happen, though, sometimes, however, being alone is where one belongs.
iDisturbed@dA | snowcappedquinceanera@tumblr

I commissioned/paid for the character art/designs and all art are copywritten to their rightful owners.
Things I role-play: Mm. hi. yes. I role-play sometimes. I am always open for a well-plotted role-play. I try to be adaptable on which platform I role-play. I usually role-play animals or nonhumans, extinct, ultra/fantasy, semi/realistic- most notably horses. I've done a bit of Digimon and have tried to rp just a little bit of Pokemon? Humans and anything near that plane are a weird concept (for some reason?even though here I am kek). I seek responses of at least 150+ words. Just hit me up for an rp and throw me the details. I may or may not draw rp characters and their roleplays.
The chick in my avatar is a fan-made Digimon character of mine.

My main lady is the horse that popped up a few times on the top text box. Her name is Snowcapped Quinceanera and she is an utterly confused and anomalous Gold Creme Snowcap Azteca mare with killer mascara eyelashes and mane and tail for miles. She is kind of inspired by the fictional hazardous anomalous object containing group SCP Foundation, only because she is a little horse that unwillingly changes and goes through horrifying gorish situations for the sake of self preservation so that no matter how hard she tries to destroy herself for the safety of her loved ones she is spontaneously healed back to life. She is prone to triggering, escaping, and damage herself in many past breaches caused by other objects. One recorded form of her is literally a 15 year old human, a [REDACTED], a [REDACTED], and a [REDACTED]. She receives the worst of my plots. She the safest bet for human and/or nonhuman/animals plots with a touch of SCP .