Fandoms + Which character I am from most of them:
Fair warning...most of this was written between 8th grade and now, and I haven't really deleted things on it since then
I also love musicals!! Just ask, but my newest obsession is Chicago! (Catherine Zeta-Jones is
My favorite movies are Ocean's 11, 12, and 13! I'm always looking for a good mafia movie too!
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: I´m this strange balance of Narancia, Mista, and Bruno...who I am depends on the situation. But Bruno is my favorite!
- My Hero Academia (All Might!) (Not as much into MHA now but I still appreciate it)
- Ouran High School Host Club (Character quizzes I take tend to label me as either Tamaki or Honey. Personally whichever I am depends on my mood)
- D.N. Angel
- Death Note (Light)
- Hetalia
- Free! (I'm Makoto for sure. I'm always either the mom friend or the little kid of the group!)
- Lord of the Rings
- Your Lie in April (Tsubaki. This show made me realize how short life really is and inspired me to live life to the fullest and take on new challenges, even if they're scary. Watching it seriously changed my life and my view of the world.)
- Attack on Titan (I just finally caught up with season 3! Let's see...the quizzes say I'm Mikasa. I can see it, but I also very much relate to Sasha, Ymir, and Armin.)
Hunter X Hunter (Kurapika! But also, like, Gon? Geez, I'm kind of just confusing myself here ) 
I'm a proud ARMY (but I´m not super obsessive over BTS, I just enjoy them quietly) and want to learn Korean and Japanese. I'd love to learn Mandarin as well, but that's a huge challenge and honestly scares me at the moment ahaha...
*note: I don't actually even listen to K-pop very often...I'm more into J-pop, but still casually! Kenshi Yonezu is my absolute favorite musician!!*
-My native language is English, but I do speak some Spanish and will probably be fluent within the next two years. I plan to major in international business and languages are a huge asset in that industry, so if anyone wants to help me with any of these it would be greatly appreciated ^ ~ ^)
I started German this year and I love it!
I'm also super into stuff like The Office (I've seen it at least thirteen times), Parks and Recreation (I'm in the middle of the second watchthrough and it's still great!), and Arrested Development (probably seen it ~ five times now?)!
I also just adore Animal Crossing!! I grew up on it and honestly it's one of my favorite pastimes!! I mostly play New Leaf now, but I'm a Wild World and City Folk veteran.
There are several other anime and shows I've watched, but didn't list. Ask me about anything you'd like, and who knows, I may have seen it!
I’m always willing to help people put on here, provided you have a good reason for needing help. I don’t give handouts, but I won’t object to giving you assistance.
I’m not sure how to end this..

Peace, Love, and Caleb Hyles?
Sure. That works.