If you sit in your car waiting for the song you love to be over, then leave.
If someone tells you "don't look now", but you do anyway.
If you love waking up in the middle of the night, and realizing you have more time to sleep.
If you hate waking up from a good dream and it won't come back.
If slow computers drive you CRAZY.
If you think small things are cute.
If you love laughing until you can't breathe.
If you can't help but find everything hilarious at 2 AM.
If you still look up to your older cousin, just like you did when you were little.
If you used to blow into video games and it actually made them work.
If you miss playing on your GameCube.
If your fridge has NOTHING in it to eat, no matter how full it is.
If all those years you watched Blues Clues, you never realized Blue was a GIRL & Magenta was a BOY.
If you talk to yourself when you are walking alone.
If you can't stand to hear your own voice in videos or recordings.
If you check behind the shower curtain for murderers.
If you check under your bed BEFORE climbing in.
If you stand in the shower for ages because the hot water feels soooo good.
If you come up with the most ideas when you’re standing in the shower.
If you really wish you could record your dreams and watch them later.
If you wish music played during epic moments in your life, like in movies.
If you wish you could TELEPORT into books and movies.
If you hate getting out of the shower and it's FREEZING.
If you hate how the best part of your dream is always right about to happen when you wake up.
If you love it when your dream from last night continues to part 2 the next night.
If you have tried to waterbend in a pool.
If you and your best friend can say one word and almost die from laughing hysterically.
If you have to try SO hard not to laugh when you're getting scolded.
If you know because everyone's house has a different smell that yours must have one. But you still can't smell it!
If you have to say the entire alphabet out loud because you can't remember what letter comes next.
If you get paranoid because the spider you saw five seconds ago isn't there anymore.
If you hate it when you think of a really good comeback after the argument.
If you love it when teachers get off track and tell you stories about their life.
If you daydream in the middle of class.
If your favorite song always seems to come on right as you pull into your driveway.
If you mentally say "Wed-nes-day" when writing the word "Wednesday".
If you want to STRANGLE that kid who reminds the teacher about homework and quizzes.
If you were Kirby in Super Smash, and used Down + B, then fell off the map.
If whenever someone says 'I like your shirt', you look down to see what you're wearing.
If you hate when teachers say "From all the talking, I assume everyone is done."
If once you turn off all the lights in the basement you run the heck out of there.