Things I am looking for:
Greetings! You can call me Wolf. I am a college girl who has just recently declared a double major in computer science and biology. As you can see from my username, I like wolves and willows. However, not only wolves, but every manner of beast and creature; particularly, I am fascinated by the big cats--tigers, lions, leopards. My personal favorites are hyenas (a long misunderstood species) and cheetahs. Besides animals, I love creative writing. Currently, I am humoring a LONG fantasy novel--product of six years worth of re-writes, adoration, and hatred. World- and character-building are key to my style--Bring on the flora, fauna, phylogenetic trees, and fantastical languages! My attention to detail is sometimes scary, and I am an advocate for breaking away from cliches and putting more effort into characters rather than "action/drama."
Drawing is also a cherished hobby of mine--you can often find me sketching the characters and creatures in my book. Piano and tennis I love one day and hate the next. I'm a little bit of an exercise enthusiast--specifically weightlifting and HIIT. I am also a big fan of healthy home-cooked foods (most likely due to the college cafeteria lacking anything of the sort). Baking paleo and keto goods is an incredibly rewarding experience, especially when others try the goodies and can't tell the difference between it and the real deal--complements to the chef ;)
If you want to shoot me a message, be my guest! Although an introvert (INFJ), I do really enjoy hearing new voices.
Have a wonderful day!