--Being a close friend, Savirra helps me with my game and giving me good advice, there is no multi accounting or phishing. Both of us registered more than half a year ago and have more than 150 seniority days.--
Hiya! My name is Jo, and I'm not
exactly what they call an average teen because, well, there's a whole list of things! Personally, I am quite easygoing and talkative, smart and humorous (if you can get me) blah blah can be lazy blah... Anyways, ehem, I'm an athletic nerd who recently left The Shire to become a jedi because I never my got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. That was rather disappointing. Second of all, I am a Swimmer (been one for five years) and Equestrian (been one for 2 years). If I am not at the pool. im at the barn so that may explain why I am not the most active of users on Howrse. I love sci-fi. So that includes Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who. Relative to the topic, I am also in love with the Avengers and everything Marvel (or even DC, but not
as much) And a bit farther of from anything having to do with space, I love Supernatural, Sherlock, Eureka, Royal Pains, Chuck (all the good shows that had to die young) and finally, a child hood favorite; Teenage Mutant NinjaTurtles. Yes, I still watch it on TV up to this day. You Tube is like relatable TV, come to think of it. The channels I watch there are Pewdiepie, Smosh, Tobuscus, GMM, Hannah Hart, all that. If you watch it, theres a good chance I might as well.

Onto things more relative to my member ship and account on Howrse, well, i'm happy you've read this far without skipping to the chase. I accept friend requests only if I had got to meet you earlier (shouldn't be a problem, I love to chat). I have a decent seniority on Howrse, so don't be afraid to ask me any questions!

Now down to business: It doesn't really matter what i'm selling because you can see all my sales, but its more important to know what I am
buying. Colors are something right now so I'm looking at horse coats I don't have. I'm going to narrow down my search to a few Canadians I don't have (Chestnut and FLC) and the few Marwaris I don't have (which are Black Overo, Cremello T, and M-grey T).

I have an account on Minecraft, Chickensmoothie, Quotev, and Wattled. so feel free to message me if you have one too! I have one friend on Howrse who I actually know from my old school in
Kazakhstan, and we sometimes help each other out ( just so the mods don't get confused)