6/30/18- I'll be online every now and then...  I'm currently trying to clean up and streamline my breeding programs on here.  I will have some horses for sale, check my sales.  Thank you!

6/15/16- My Pegasus Account has run out. I will be taking a break from Howrse for a while, so I can concentrate more on my other game Furry-Paws. I'll be back soon. :)

3/9/15- Started my little rescue, its called Gentle Giants Rescue. I will buy any unwanted drafts or donkeys. Bred my first Shetland unis. 2 colts, both are for sale.
3/1/16- I have several unis and 1% coats for sale. Please look!
2/27/16- Bred my first Gra fjord! Got 2 colts, one is for sale for passes, or trade. :)
2/17/16- I now will only be on on the weekends!
2/12/16- Each month I need to get passes so I can pay for a month of Pegasus account membership, so from this day till 2/23/16 if you offer passes for certain horses I might be willing to sell. Note: Horses in The Legacy and Foundies groups are still not for sale, Sorry.

2/6/16- Twin Marwari Unicorn fillies! Both are Mouse Gray Tobanio, a 1% coat! Might be willing to part with one for the right price/trade.

2/5/16- 2 Unicorn Stallions For Sale! Asking 85,000e for the Curly and 90,000e for the Paint, or 500e and 1 pass. Bred my first Gulblakk Fjord.
I really need help with some coat trophies. Here's the list:
GP, Age, and Gender doesn't really matter. It's also OK if their mix breeds.

Last Updated: 6/30/18

-Mustang: Need:
Dapple Grey, Cremello, Flaxen Liver Chestnut.
Spotted Blanket: Black,  Dun, Cherry, Liver Chestnut.
Blanket: Black, Dun.

-Knapstrupper: Need: Roan, Dapple Grey, Chestnut, Bay.

-Spotted Blanket: Bay, Black.
-Blanket: Chestnut.
-Snowflake: Bay, Chestnut.
-Few Spots: Bay.

-Quarter horse. Need: Cremello, Dark Bay, Liver Chestnut,  Flaxen Liver Chestnut, Roan.

Paint Horse:

- Overo: Black, Palomino, Dun.
- Tovero: Bay, Liver Chestnut.
- Tobiano: Dark Bay.

-Shagya Arabian. Need: Black, Mouse Grey and Chestnut.

-Akhal-Teke. Need: Bay, Black, Cremello,  Flaxen Chestnut, Flaxen Liver Chestnut, Liver Chestnut, Mouse Grey, Palomino, Roan, and Strawberry Roan.


Black, Dun, Palomino, Mouse Grey, Cherry Bay.
- Tobiano: Black, Bay, Cherry Bay, Dun, Mouse Gray, and Liver chestnut. 

Haflinger: Need: Palomino, Flaxen Liver Chestnut.

Nokota: Chestnut, Dark Bay overo.

Shetland Pony: Strawberry Roan,  Cremello, Light Gray, and Mouse Gray.

Tobanios: Mouse Gray, Liver Chestnut, Palomino.

Selle-Francis: Black, Dapple Grey, Dun, Flaxen Chestnut, Light Grey, Liver Chestnut, Mouse Grey, Palomino, Roan, Strawberry Roan.

For Drafts, it doesn't matter if they're out of covers, I'll still take them.

Drum Horse: Need-
 Bay, Mouse Gray, Black Tovero, Bay Tobiano, Mouse Gray Tobiano.

I would be very grateful if you or someone you know would sell me these horses, Plus I pay quite handsomely for these horses. Thank you.

HELP! I am for some horses:
-Unicorn mares of any breed. 
- Draft Horses
- Golden Apple (realistic coats only!)

I am trying to bring my original herd home. My original herd members would say they are produced by me, but have no affix. Please PM me if you have some. I will take back any horses produced or sold by me. Please Help.

I also collect 2** Saddle Pads, Ear Bonnets, and Leg Wraps. Please PM me if you have some you don't want.


- Get Foundation (350GP) horses of every breed and coat.

- To breed 4000+ Gp horses of as many breeds as I can. 

- Get all the horse colors.

- Get all the pets.

- Get the all unicorns, pegasus, and winged uni trophies

- Get all of the Bewitched Pumpkin horses. [Have Skeleton]

-Get 10 Golden Apple coats.

- Get a Retired Golden Apple coat.

- Get a 5th Element horse.

If you can help with any of these please PM me.

  PitaPata Horse tickers Furry-Paws.com: Your virtual dog could be the next champion! Add Me as your Referrer on Furry-Paws my 3 usernames are BlueRaz11, or Blu(Whiskers n' Tails Rescue), or Whiskers n' Tails Rescue.

I breed horses of every breed, species (other than Divine) and, most colors. I also breed some mixes. I do trade horses for horses, and do not buy passes. In my group "My Special Horses" there are several horses. These are my favorite horses that were the foundation horses for most of my horses. I offer coverings and foal orders from most of my horses. Feel free to look around the groups and PM about some.
 I am a girl between the ages of 10-20. I have a few animals
3 guinea pigs, 16 chickens, 40+ rabbits, 1 cat,and 2 dogs.
Gunnar (2 year old Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix dog),  Fremont (2 year old hound mix), Pepsi (1 year old cat), Mocha (2 year old American Satin Cavy sow), Checkers (1 year old American Satin Cavy sow, Mocha's daughter), Pax (Abyssinian Cavy boar).  I raise show rabbits.  I currently have Lionheads, French, Satin, and English Angoras, and a few Mini Rex, and Fuzzy Lops.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicVirtualGallopxD-pjk1.gif     have Mitchell.gifI love Gypsy Vanners by WishmasterAlchemistI love Thoroughbreds by WishmasterAlchemistI love Shire Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Lipizzans by WishmasterAlchemistI love American Paint Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Mixed-breed Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Andalusians by WishmasterAlchemistI love Chincoteague Ponies by WishmasterAlchemistI love Quarter Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Fjord Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Appaloosas by WishmasterAlchemistI love Lusitanos by WishmasterAlchemistI love Morgans by WishmasterAlchemistI love Friesians by WishmasterAlchemistI love Knabstruppers by WishmasterAlchemistI love Arabians by WishmasterAlchemistI love Icelandic Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Draft Horses by WishmasterAlchemistI love Shetland Ponies by WishmasterAlchemistI love Mustangs by WishmasterAlchemistI love Warmbloods by WishmasterAlchemistI love Haflingers by WishmasterAlchemistI love Akhal-Tekes by WishmasterAlchemistI love Curlies by WishmasterAlchemist


Image and video hosting by TinyPic  0d78f43ac1fc6b21ea1c69eb51f36f620e01f901images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-yqBHpebdllaomKhOkx6
I have over 170 Breyer model horses and over 50 Schleich and safari animals.  I have been collecting for several years.


It also says that there can not be pegasus foals because it doesn't have any in the greek mythology.  But a pegasus had to be born with wings, right?  so copy and paste this too if you agree.

Jesus died on the cross
And he was thinking of you! 
If your the 7% that will stand up for him repost this!

Awesome Christian group to listen to called... Newsboys!

Awesome Christian audio adventures to listen to:

- Adventures in Odyssey

- Jonathan Park

I do not accept random friend requests. I'm sorry.