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This account has been updated since a few years ago, so that being said, i will attempt to be more active.

If you would like to talk or become friends that is perfectly cool!! I am totally down to making friends, just message me if you would like to chat!

The horses I breed: Australian Pony Unis, Vanners, i'm trying to be open with more breeds! mostly Appaloosa Unis i think they are just SO cute!

feel free to check out the horses in my tabs, if you see one for sell you might be interested it don't hesitate to send me a message asking about it! im sure we could work something out. (after all the worst i can say is no)

i do have some open areas in my EC, if you would like for me to reserve you a spot just ask and i can get it set up for you!

i also do have a couple of stallions up for breeding purposes, the main one being a 12616.22GP Australian Pony Uni Male, if you are interested you can inbox me and we can discuss it!

