
About Me

Hiya! I'm MJFM. I've been playing Howrse for quite a while now, but I'm just getting off a break from the game. I'm super excited to be back. I don't bite, so if you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. please PM me:) I'm not a super competitive player. I like to think that I'm more of a collector than a skiller. If you are interested in coverings or buying, please PM me.

My Goals

Own a divine. Own a wild horse. Own a Carina Brooch horse. Own a Bewitched Pumpkin horse. Own a Seal of the Apocalypse horse. Own a Magic Hat horse. Own a Retired Coat horse. Own a Diamond Apple horse. Own a Vintage Apple horse. Own a Double-Sided Medallion horse. Been visited by a Wandering horse. Own a Wanderers Spirit horse. Have an EQ with a prestige above 75%. Have one horse/pony of every breed. Breed a Marwari with above 14000GP. Top 10,000 in general ranking.
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