July 11th 2021. I may have to move in the days left in this month and may not be active on Howrse due to that. Sorry for inconvenience.
All boxes and horses will benefit full service until Aug 1st no matter what, all is fixed, rotated & stocked in plenty. I just cant extend boarding requests.
Since start of Howrse but my first account got deleted by Howrse for no reason.... been playing horse since 2009 I think... :(
The only horses I sell are in the "FOR SALE" tab!!!
Currently lots of fancy beginner horses. Higher quality will come soon! Im clearing my horse stock, oldest stock goes first. Please check my sale box to the right for actual auction horses, plenty of (pregnant) mares, foals GP garanteed higher than mare but all expected below 5000 for now.
Horses with the alias 'Im going to be for Sale Soon' are available upon request directly. Please PM me with horse ID (prefered, its the number in the link of the horses profile) or name & GP & DoB.
Since then I have been less active on howrse, I now may pick it up again, but my quality dropped since the game and overall horses progressed. I am still undecided if I want to continue the game. I might be on and off the game every once in a while. It all depends on time and season. In winter with hostile weather I am more homebound, in lush warm summers I usually have horses to ride. 
Beautifull Icelandic horse at the horse round up which I go to every year.

We promise everything is always available in plenty.
Your box never gets destroyed.
We offer all we have and can give.
Daily repair (boxes over 5%) and meadow change.
Boarding fee is 100% invested in new boxes.
We occasionaly treat apples to our boarded horses.
If I quit the game, I simple reserve all boxes to myself until all horses have left.
No horse will ever be left out on the street!
"More info on my EC page & forum."
I bred all horses myself, I started with cheap low GP mares, and most breeds are now nearing 10000GP. I only fully BLUP my best top 3 mares and breed only after they just need competition experience to reach 100 BLUP. And only to stallions of 100 BLUP and preferably with GP over 10000. I am not after breeding the best horses, I have my own projects and goals, and do not much with customising and black market items. I might have some less but still beginner friendly horses for sale, but those are typically older mares and young stallions from my projects. At the moments all foals born are with at least a 1200/7500 IBS/GP ratio (except for donkeys and drafts) but most are 1800/10000. Thats foals without BMI. Im slowely working on progress, since I breed ALL breeds that takes time. I do not (yet) focus on just 1 or 2 breeds.
I pay well for purebred draught stallions (all 4 breeds) with higher GP and all coverings available or their covering service. At the moment the mares are not ready so I prefer to buy.
About my Howrse history
I have been playing Howrse since their start up. But my first account got deleted, despite I bought a lot of passes to get to my 6* EC, all my quality horses, pets, companions, wandering horses, wild horses... All were gone. I have no clue what howrse did to my account, as I sometimes see people idle for 5 years. I spend money and passes on it, so it is unfair they deleted it as the rules are different when you ever bought a pass it shouldnt be deleted I read somewhere in the rules. But it has been deleted.... So I had to start all over again. But Im getting back to it quite nicely. Though I no longer can afford to buy passes so much as I used to to get rid of my monthly mobile deposit. 
- Get into the top 1000 of general rankings again. I was in top 500 not long ago.
- Collect all coats of all breeds by breeding, not buying. When finished, collect all again for uni's. One has got something to work on at all times :-D
- Get all my purebred horses to GP of at least 8000 (except donkeys of course!) Im 50% there.
- Get my best purebred horse to GP12000
- 'Improve' the donkeys (what a challenge!) and uni's I have
- (Cross)breed the ideal non BMI Grand Prix horses (again what a challenge!).
- See how long it takes to get my foundy Shires to GP3000 and how many generations without BMI (this project is temporary on hold as I do not work with my draughts and donkeys for time being)
Why I play Howrse
Im playing Howrse as some sort of addiction because I have nothing better to do. I play it in my own way, focussing on getting better purebred horses ever and ever. I have a plan to do that, and so far so good. I also try to collect all coats by own breeding. Horses that fall out of my system I sell, and their sale money I spend all on my EC. I may not have a big reserve in equus, but Im filthy rich in resources. I keep my money there so I dont pay too much on covering fees and stuff. 
Nearly all horses I own, I bred from one single bought mare per breed, she is the foundation mare of all my selfbred purebred horses. All my Nokotas descend from a 360GP unicorn mare for example. Some were low GP, some were old or zero skillers. If I see how some have progressed today, Im proud of myself and my horses. I bred mares only with higher GP stallions. I used to crash breed starting at 2 years and 6 months, but I now prefer full blup breeding as those horses give much better foals and progress much faster. I keep the 3 best mares per breed and one of every coat out in the fields, all others are sold. No mercy. Only the best mares make it to my breeding herd. Horses I cant use I sell to make an income. Breeding mares over 15 years old stay with me until they die occasionaly giving a foal but mostly earn their living with competitions or fill my EC if their GP is high enough. But, sometimes I also sell them if they arent better than a same coat mare I already have. My top goal is always to increase GP and mostly IBS.
More about me
Iceland is my biggest passion, it has always been and I feel blessed calling this country my home.
In real life I studied equine management in Netherlands where I was born. But unfortunately I lived a horseless life in Netherlands. But now I moved to Iceland, I have a cool boss that has about 50 Icelandic horses I can do whatever I want with. If interested in seeing Iceland (and its many horses) find Icelandic Dreaming on the net.
Until my move, I spend quite a lot of time in Iceland riding horses :-) Many names of my Icelandic horses here on Howrse are used by real horses I came across in Iceland, but I also dig in the available namelists and dictionaries. If you buy one with an Icelandic name, feel free to ask me its meaning.
I own an Icelandic horse myself since October 2017, its a blue roan (color changer) stallion named Kærleikur frá Eldhölum. This means Love from the Fire bushes. He had a rough start his first winter, when he was so dangerous that everybody told me to have him slaughtered, he kicked everybody determined upon approach without warning. But my poor boy had a severe skin infection bothering him and just didnt want to be touched. A vet cured him and he lost his temper. He still walks the field and this summer he might cover his first mares :) I have to wait until 2021 before I can start riding him, but I totally love him!
Iceland got hit by a massive snowstorm on December 10th 2019 and my boy was burried in snow for 3 days until the farmers could reach him and his herd mates. Many horses (well over 100) have died during this insane snow storm, but Im happy he is recovering very well at this moment. Though more storms are on the way, but not likely as worse as that one. They are strong and resiliant horses. But so is this winter, and I long for it to be over, so I can visit him again.
I want to have some more Icelandic Horses in the near future, also some offspring from my Kæri. I no longer work for the boss who had all the horses, so Kæri is the only horse in my life, but something tells me I soon have another one.
If I didnt move to Iceland, I would also get a Morgan horse. Maybe even consider crossbreeding a Morgan with Icelandic to get a gaited Morgan. Not to destroy the beauty of both breeds, but to enhance the quality of both in one single horse. I think it will produce a wonderfull elegant crossbred.

I worked in Germany for a while on an Icelandic Horse farm. This is Darri fra Hrafnholti one of the stallions there.
PS1: Friends are always welcome....
I am looking for friends here, to complete objectives and for promos which benefits friends. Feel free to add me. I am a reliable help, if you return the favor that is, and online daily (if I cant I announce it here). Please make sure parental permission if you are younger than 16. I dont want problems for something I would never do.
Just take in mind that I am one of the older age players here (Im 42), Im not a teenager and therefore I do not involve too much into forum, chatting and socialising. If people behave childish to me, Im not getting along with it. Im much older than most of you.
PS2: Mission horses available
I have plenty of pass/competition/AP horses I work with daily. If you need some horses to help you out with your missions, please PM me and reserve a box for me. It doesnt need to be the best available, but I prefer 3 star with shower as minimum. I have horses with all skills from donkeys to horses with over 4000 skills. But those high skilled horses will only board at a good EC. Tack and food not needed as most are already equiped. I am online daily, and make sure this horses will work for you every time I work with them. I can also supply quiet horses if you just need to fill space. Only 20 equus a day and it doesnt matter what box, but I wont work with them.
PS3: My stallions
*** HRAUNHEST CURRENTLY DOESNT OFFER ANY STALLION SERVICES. *** Im looking into a breed that lacks valuable stallions, like the Morgan though.
If interested in one of my stallions, if available, pm me for a 500 equus covering request if they do not appear in the public list. All my full blupped stallions are in the tab "Stallions" (this tab is currently disabled as I lost my pegasus account), I update frequently, if they dont breed, I take them out. Please mail me the name of the stallion and the EXACT name of the mare to be covered and I will get him ready the same or next day.
I plan to make a special tab or affix for available stallions in the future. But they change often, as I stop offering if the stallion is not in demand or GP gets too low to stay in the topline.
HIGH GP Icelandic Stallions )) TO BE UPDATED ((
Look for this affix, not all are full blup stallions (they have ~x~ names), but they are my top horses.
Aldrei Hætta að Dreyma
HIGH GP Other purebred breeds at least GP 8000:
We offer stallions of every breed, full blup. Too many to list here, but might put up a list with minimum GP of each breed here soon.
PS3: My For Sale tab.
In my "For Sale" tab appear all horses I currently have or want to sell. They are not always appearing in the sales lists, but you can always pm me to make an offer, they are all for sale.
Nearly all of them are purebred and some are fully blupped and/or come with tack. They started training like I would with any horse, 100% foal trained and started in the forest skills. My young horses all work every day, join missions when they are allowed to, get whips and some also bellboots, lunge and spurs. 100% devoted training! We now also offer foals for sale for you to train to your own likings, but for 500 equus I will foal train them for you!
Mares if possible, can be covered by any of my stallions (if available) you wish at no extra cost. PM me before buying to arrange this. Twin covering also possible for actual wand pass price and 1000 equus. No risk because you see the mare is having the fertility wand before you buy her.
For those who cared to read my whole profile... Every first 7 days of the month, nearly all of my horses in the 'for sale' tab, are offered for just 500 equus for beginning howrse players (with less than 100 days seniority)! I just do this to help newbies getting higher skilled or even full blupped horses. Newbies can always ask me for a higher skilled horse. It is my way to be gratefull to those who offered me the same thing when I started. :-)
Only on those days, no option to reserve and does not apply for horses currently being bid on in auctions or horses not in the for sale tab, horses for sale over 25000 equus, drafts, donkeys, uni's, coats less than 4% and horses sold for passes! Just PM me on one of those days with the name of the horse you want to have. You cannot claim your right to buy, but Im in general loyal in this! I may have another option for you too if you look for a certain horse. I have hundred horses (prepared) for sale. Or most likely have one available that suits your needs.