Greetings fellow strangers!
I don't know you, and you don't know me...
(Unless you secretly stalking me
which is creepy! ) ;) Any-who, I had a Howrse account but it got deleted because i got lazy and didn't feel like taking care of all my horses. So know I've created a new account and starting over!
I live in a large family of 17 people 15 which are kids, I have 12 adopted siblings and two biological siblings. I am the third oldest. 6 of my siblings are adopted from China. Yes I actually flew to China to get them ( I know,I know, pretty awesome!)
We own a couple of horse, I have a thoroughbred and a Quarter horse I compete in the AQHA and NHSRA. I started out riding English when I was three, and then switched to western and have riding for 13 years now, barrels and poles for 10.
I play the piano, harp, cello, guitar, and trying to learn trumpet and violin.
I'm also an artist and photographer!
Art is one of my favorite hobbies!

I shall also be a homeschooler

I love fashion, and creating new and fun outfits for any occasion
I also LOVE musicals!!!
Phantom Of The Opera, Les Misérables, Hello Dolly, Hair Spray, Hamilton and every Disney musical!
I love all things Disney, and roller coasters!!
And I also love God!
(Favorite movie)
Far and away, Hello Dolly,
Pride and predigest, Star wars, Courageous
(TV Shows)
Victoria, Downtown Abby,
Avatar the last airbender, Little house on the prairie
(Guilty pleasures)
Justin Bieber (aka The Biebes)
and One Direction
