For this layout, set your presentation settings to "width: wide" and "height: 800 pixels." There's a settings button by the top right cornerof your presentation. It will look the best this way. In the other text boxes, in some places I demonstrated how to change the characteristics of the text. It's very easy in normal mode! As you fill up the boxes they will start to scroll. It's possible to add titles to your textboxes easily! Message me for help with it. REMEMBER to be careful and go slow when editing the layout, text, or code so that if you make a mistake it's easy to undo.
How to edit the text:
Never delete big chunks of text or all of the text from a box, or it could mess up the layout. Always leave some text in the box! Just put your cursor at the beginning and start typing. Then you can go to the end and delete all the "text" fillers.
Never press "enter" when editing your text in normal mode. Instead, just enter HTML mode and right where you want the break to be add in < then br then >, as I've done above^ (view what I'm talking about in HTML mode). This is called a tag. You don't need to add spaces around the tag in HTML mode because then they will show up in normal mode.
It's also very easy to edit your text in HTML mode. In this mode, highlighting the text and deleting big chunks won't mess with the layout.
In normal mode, once you've typed out what you want to say, it's simple to change colors, make the text bold, add links, bullet points, change the alignment, etc. Just highlight what you want and change it the normal way!
If anything at all goes wrong, try pressing the "undo" button. If this doesn't fix it, feel free to message me for help! However, be aware that I only store the coding, not the text that you will put in the layout, so keep that somewhere if you don't want to lose your work!
Thanks for ordering a layout!!
How to edit the text:
Never delete big chunks of text or all of the text from a box, or it could mess up the layout. Always leave some text in the box! Just put your cursor at the beginning and start typing. Then you can go to the end and delete everything that I wrote
Never press "enter" when editing your text in normal mode. Instead, just enter HTML mode and right where you want the break to be add in < then br then >, as I've done above^ (view what I'm talking about in HTML mode). This is called a tag. You don't need to add spaces around the tag in HTML mode because then they will show up in normal mode.
It's also very easy to edit your text in HTML mode. In this mode, highlighting the text and deleting big chunks won't mess with the layout.
In normal mode, once you've typed out what you want to say, it's simple to change colors, make the text bold, add links, bullet points, change the alignment, etc. Just highlight what you want and change it the normal way!
If anything at all goes wrong, try pressing the "undo" button. If this doesn't fix it, feel free to message me for help! However, be aware that I only store the coding, not the text that you will put in the layout, so keep that somewhere if you don't want to lose your work!
Thanks for ordering a layout!!
How to edit the text:
Never delete big chunks of text or all of the text from a box, or it could mess up the layout. Always leave some text in the box! Just put your cursor at the beginning and start typing. Then you can go to the end and delete everything that I wrote.
Never press "enter" when editing your text in normal mode. Instead, just enter HTML mode and right where you want the break to be add in < then br then >, as I've done above^ (view what I'm talking about in HTML mode). This is called a tag. You don't need to add spaces around the tag in HTML mode because then they will show up in normal mode.
It's also very easy to edit your text in HTML mode. In this mode, highlighting the text and deleting big chunks won't mess with the layout.
In normal mode, once you've typed out what you want to say, it's simple to change colors, make the text bold, add links, bullet points, change the alignment, etc. Just highlight what you want and change it the normal way!
If anything at all goes wrong, try pressing the "undo" button. If this doesn't fix it, feel free to message me for help! However, be aware that I only store the coding, not the text that you will put in the layout, so keep that somewhere if you don't want to lose your work!
Thanks for ordering a layout!!