22-HS is hosting a giveaway - let the games begin!

j7t85jf84 hfgb3 is hosting an AMAZING giveaway - for a whole year!

cheese1997 is hosting a 10-year anniversary giveaway - check it out in their forum!

Cyredanthem is having a massive giveaway in her forum - sign up for it before Feb 28th!

Currently Offering: Pieces Of Cloud, Pandora's Box, Black Orchid, Hypno's Blanket

Currently Looking For: Harmony Pack (or Apple/Ray/Lyre separately), Achilles Heel, Hera's Packs (or Tears/Arrow/Wand separately), Morpheus' Arms, Philosopher's Stone

Please PM me if you want to trade any of these - I have not put them up in the BM trade page.

Welcome to my page!

My name is Ivory, and I have been fascinated with horses since I was little. I love learning about them, and had the privilege to ride a few times, but plan on doing so more in the future!

I am a huge Tea-drinker, and eat dark Chocolate whenever I can get at it! My favourite food is Tomato soup, but Fries or Pancakes come close behind!

 would sell my soul for  adore books and love to talk about them - feel free to message me if we share a favourite!

Recommended Reads:

I am not TV crazy, but here are a few of my all-time faves:

My Goals on Howrse:

  1. To refine my EC  - Large boxes, Flax, 3* Tack, all Food and all Enhancements
  2. To recreate 'Horses Of Half Moon Ranch' in a breeding farm
  3. To produce pure or crossbred, highly skilled horses to breed and sell
  4. To be able to give my favourite horses all the best BMI's 
  5. To try not to worry about Equus too much
  6. Most importantly - To Have fun!

> If you have any advice, questions or just want to chat, I would love to hear from you!

> If you think you might have a horse or BMI that I would be interested in, please PM me. I will post a list of my preferred breeds and coats and BMI's and keep it updated.

> If you want to put an offer on, or cover any of my horses, just ask me - I won't bit your head off if I don't agree with it. Please note, most of the horses for sale will be put in the breeding farm 'For Sale', I may be open to negotiating on some of the others but please be polite and respectful.

> I accept friend requests, and would be open to breeding and covering collaborations.

> I will try to return Congratulations when I see them, but please don't be offended if I don't - drop me a message and I will follow it up when I can. I may host some giveaways if I get enough attention to make it worth doing, and if I remember to keep track!

Have a wonderful day, and good luck with your game!

Ivory xx

Some people say they are big readers, that they're so into books it's not funny. However the only way to tell is if they:

1) Gasp when something exciting happens in the book. 

2) Laugh randomly out loud if something funny happens in the book. 

3) Start yelling at the book because that's not how they want the book to go. 

4) Slam the book shut when one of their favorite characters dies, then open it again because they still need to know how it ends. 

Copy and paste this if you are one of these people, because I am so one of them!

14487.jpg1500626ynb7goqywz.gif20zpmoh_th.jpg 786981.png?sdfsfpLgfhksfg  458717906_ec4644361239125749.jpg   c0c54b4d5669b6b0b81d5c169145dad4e1d6e11525840092.gifImage and video hosting by TinyPic643162ywu1itq87l.gif2en27tt.png5aee4f3ee1d64dffc739be7e529d3b89d674916c288921ailshg8pmh.png   879879.gificonblank-7-36.jpg  505772b482355720c058b46e2aae62bb8597489100c69d19c4f6ca939466d31c539ed88dcb97c6f2 1z2ps78.gif      2765fce148afb59ec013b79595e00e6d0a67c28a1676126.jpgImage and video hosting by TinyPic nxmfrr.jpg 986408fp6ehrieuw.gif     b54k84.jpg  264402yn6jhaoiz2.gif  876039nw49uojqbw.gif  thslinkie.pngmltcad.jpg  jackicon1.jpg     15xwtqd_th.png  1147525j16fjabaxf.jpg 34307863.jpg               

  6d05pugjtw1l5lh6g.jpg?size_id=5   d5lhf.jpg
