Hello, I am teddybear07, I live somewhere in the UK. I love teddy bears as my username suggests. My hamster (Right) is called Ginger and she is a Syrian hamster. She is also soft and fluffy. My sister, owns a fish called Copper (but she calls him Eely.)Our family owns a white Inuit
called Luka. I don't own any horses in real life but here I do!
I will except any random friend requests.
zερhyr is having a Quitting giveaway! You can offer equus or passes for any of my horses I may accept ( just message me. )
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7744447 7 7
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Press Ctrl + F then 7
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First highlight the numbers,and press Ctrl and F.Then type 9 in the little box,and the message is in yellow.It highlights every 9 on your page and you can see the message in yellow
DRAG MOUSE ACROSSYou opened it! Awesome, Good luck!!! Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you, and something good and really romantic will happen between 1:00-4:00pm tomorrow! It could be ANYWHERE, get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this on your page within the next 15 minutes then your love life will be terrible for the next YEAR!
Hey!!! You have been on my page for minutes and seconds