Hi there! Here is a little bit about me and my game play!

In game I breed mainly quarter horses and paint horses. On the side though I breed mustangs and appaloosas. I also try to do drafts and donkeys, But they are not a major part of my game. I breed for high GP, and am open to working with people who are interested in any of my horses.

Now for a little about me.

My name is Casey. I am a 21 year old guy who happens to like how engaging this game is. I own one horse, But I currently work with 32-48 depending on the day. I believe strongly in NATURAL horsemen ship. None of the horses I ride are ridden in a bit. I don't use spurs or whips/crops either. The horse I own now has had a rough passed. He will not let you touch his face if he doesn't trust you, and I think he does really well in a bittless over even a snaffle.

I'm always Up for adding friends! If you ever have a question just send me a message!