Nine years on Howrse!

Archimedes wants to get smarter!

NOTE: PLEASE READ THIS IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE. MY PAGE SAYS THE FOLLOWING: If a horse of mine is for sale, but not marked "negotiable" then don't try to negotiate. Someone else didn't read this, and because of this, *I* got in trouble. This person tried to negotiate (a ridiculously low) price on a horse that wasn't negotiable. When I asked why, she said she couldn't waste her time reading people's profiles. I said "So you wasted my time instead. Thanks very much, I am blocking you now." This person reported it as abusive. So, from now on all people who try to negotiate on a non-negotiable horse will be blocked immediately with no reply to their message. Sounds mean, huh? But I'm not, really.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled profile.

I remember a time when I owned real horses and lived to ride them. Those days are long gone, and so is my health, so I'm not much of a rider these days. That's why I love this lets me imagine.
In Howrse I breed whatever breed(s) I am enamored of at the moment. "House of Trout" is the affix I use for purebreds, while I occasionally produce a high-skills crossbred under the affix "E Pluribus Mutt." (In real life, too much pure breeding produces a whole host of genetic diseases, so it's good to throw something new into the gene pool now and then.) "Patton's Pride" designates my Lipizzans (see for the story behind the affix), and "Big Fellas" denotes the drafties. And I'm now breeding negative GP horses just for the halibut.

Warnings: I'm an adult player (kids who need their parents' permission should get it before contacting me). I also speak like an adult, so if you PM me please don't use chatspeak. I don't know what all that is about and I don't really want to know. I am a writer and editor in real life, so I don't care for any writing that looks like a study in typos. At least try to spell and punctuate correctly. It will help you in your life outside Howrse.

Another warning: Recently I was accused of "stomping the blup." This is something I wasn't aware of before, and was horrified to learn--but not in the way my accuser thought. Apparently there are team players out there who load a competition with junk horses in order to help one horse reach the required number of wins for a blup. When someone else (from the "outside") inadvertently enters such a comp, they are "stomping the blup" because they might actually prevent the team horse from getting the win.

Folks, I have nothing against team play, but don't tell me how to play my game. Or else I'll tell you how I find it unethical to band together using "filler" horses so you can blup your own. I'm an individual player, not on any teams, and I am blupping my own horses too. Nobody is helping me out. I'm doing it on my own, so I'm not stomping on anything. I'm not trying to shaft anyone out there, but I don't find it unethical to enter a competition in order to win it. Isn't that why we enter comps in the first place?

So team members, don't try to tell me how to play my game. Future PMs of such a nature, no matter how polite, will be blocked and reported.

Last warning: if a horse isn't under the "sales" tab, it's not for sale. Don't ask. 

Okay, that sounds like a lot of rules, but I'm really not a mean person. I'm generally a nice person who wants to play a nice game and breed nice horses. I have helped a lot of other players and I would like to keep doing it, but I won't be a sucker, either.

Real life stuff you may or may not care to know: I'm a Messianic Jew. If you want to ask what I believe and why, ask and I'll be happy to tell you. If you don't want to know what I believe, don't tell me about your beliefs. I respect everyone, regardless of whether or not I agree with them, so don't call me a hater. Nor am I intolerant just because I don't advocate or agree with certain choices. People seem to have forgotten that "tolerance" originally meant "allowing."

Further real life stuff you may or may not be interested in: I've been married more than 40 years to the same guy, I had three sons (two of whom are still living), and I adore dogs, cats and horses. I'm an original funder of "The Chosen," so if you love it, pay it forward, and if you hate it, I am unrepentantly to blame. It is a wonderful story, based on all the possibilities (that is, the greatest story never told ABOUT the Greatest Story Ever Told). I love Sherlock Holmes (and did long before the latest interpretation by Cumberbatch the divine), Star Trek (original, TNG, DS9 and reboot), and vintage shows (mainly Bonanza, Hogan's Heroes, and Wiseguy). I am a voracious reader of history and love to take free college courses on historical subjects. I read tons of stuff and have a special affinity for CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Dorothy Sayers and GK Chesterton. (Not to mention AC Doyle!)

And I love Howrse and plan to stick around for a while.

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