Hello and welcome to my page lol (why is lm*o banned hahaha?)

You can call me Chibi, and I'm a 21 year old girl from Norway.

I own a pony, whose name is Vindar and like most ponies he is extremely cute but also a huge stubborn prick

I like girls

Shows I like: Transformers Prime (anything Transformers tbh, but not Bayformers lm*o), Star Wars (not the new movies rip),  Assassin's Creed, Hamilton, Stranger Things and K-Pop (mostly NCT).

Other things include: Brave Police J-Decker and Kipo and the age of Wonder Beasts!

Other than that I spend a lot of my time on Twitter (sometimes Tumblr). It's easier to find me there than here, as I am very rarely on Howrse (As in once a year ahhaha)

My Twitter: @gaymaxstan 

My Tumblr:  http://thecrazykitten.tumblr.com/ 

Well that is all about me! Byeh (l)_v1828806360.png