GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS! Thank You so very much for visiting my page! I feel so lucky, now that you're here!

About me
Adult female player. Played before a long time ago, but old account was deleted after the big change. I love Horses, art, reading, and being around positive people!
I am active here at least once per day. I like to congratulate every player I visit, so keep an eye out for my name in your congrats tab.

Goals and Trades
Working on expanding my farm with specific covers and high GP horses. I'm an avid GA/RC collector, so I'm always on the hunt for cool and exotic coats for my horses! The breeds I train are mostly Vanners, Marwaris, Lipizzans, Donkeys, and Thoroughbreds. Purebreds Only! I also have more in between, just in case. Feel free to explore my collection, and try your luck with my Archimedes in the Ancients tab! Any messages you send I will answer to the best of my abilities! My horses that are definitely for sale are the ones under my Other Horses tab, but I am open for FAIR negotiations!

One last thing
Don't forget to have fun, and Good Luck!

layout by doinduallies