Hello I m so inactive incase you need me reach me on facebook if you have it. My family comes before game. Be aware
Been a long time for an update on my presentation.
_________________________________________________(not updated anymore look on TR page to know how the deals are currently)
SO right NOW I am part of the WONDERFUL Gypsy Vanner Team Tinceir Rosin and some couple other breeds as well.
I m OFFERING to any person who pms me the following deals regarding to preps skillers and ungelded horses:
- PREPS(1.6yrs) max ibs i sell for 8passes(within 20points from max), 7passes (within 21-35 points from max possible), 5 passes (within 36-45points), 4(withing 46-55points), 2(within 56-70points), 1pass or equus anything with 71ibs less than max possible.
-> Prep come gelded!
- Skillers there is three ones i offer:
1. with all bm's (nyx, woy, cloud package, bonuses, medusas blood and poseidon harmony[or other bewitched,element,depends what i have...] for 20passes and 500 000eq(ga or random costume thing) or 20passes and 1million (with a bewitched or a top coat)
-> gets aged to 25yrs with no lessons missed
2. Comes with minimum bm's nyx woy cloud package for 18passes and 500eq
3. Comes at 25yrs with nyx and woy for 12passes.
- Third thing UNGELDED horses:
I sell anything 0.05-0.20 above the highest in sales possible for the breed( Gypsy) selling them for equus only or pass offers if correctly priced.
SO thats my busness if you need something contact myself I live in EU so be patient if you live on the other side of the world i ll get back to you as soon i see message. I skill in 20mins~ so when you placed your request give me the time to fill the order you set as you should get what you deserve THE BEST

Bye Bye

______below this is old just read if you want to i still do the same things:)
I m blupping and skilling via co man if someone shoots me a pm to discuss stuff your welcome:-)
I m looking for immortal horses/pony's/draft's/donkey's any kind. I m offering very well equus for any of these. If your immortal pixel has a ga or rc my prices will be higher if not coated reserve me i pay 10k-50k per horse:)
Our Quote:
The clock ticks. The work in the world goes on. The battle of war will persist in our hearts.
Percherons were the first draft breed on Howrse and they arrived on May 18th, 2015. This draft can only breed 3 times in its whole life (and only with other Percherons) and they gain twice the skills and equus from doing missions/lessons compared to other breeds on the game.
Clockwork War Hearts is the current top Percheron affix made with the lovely help of an unofficial team, since you are not able to create a draft team yet.
If you are interested about regarding the breed please PM
anaisjager For the moment, we are looking for players to join. For information about this, please
PM anaisjager.
We offer skillers - but only requested skillers. To place your order please
PM anaisjager. We will try to fill the order as quickly as possible.
Clockwork War Hearts does not offer covers over the sales GP. And nothing will be released above sales. Please do not PM asking for horses over market to be reserved to you. We will only sell you a draft over the sales GP if it has already made 3 covers and you are willing to pay an adequate price.