- BLUPing KWPNs and Thoroughbreds
- Open ROSETTE jumping competition at my EC
Hi everyone! I'm theblueM, and I really love horses! I ride horses in real life, and I would LOVE a horse! But nope. Not going to happen anytime soon! Lol!
Please feel free to enter my equestrian center! I wouldn't get too excited though, it's not much! Oh, and please check out my forum as well!
I accept random friend requests, and I love chatting, so PM me!
If shadowcatnight finds this on your page you will get a unicorn or a pass! (Hint: she checks the pages of those who post in her forum or congratulate her, but you won't get it if you PM her.)
I miss the old Howrse! Put this on your page if you do too!