Hello everyone! I'm currently looking to do a bit of a do over. I'm selling all my non retired golden apple horses for very low prices. Basicly make me an offer above 3000 and I will generally accept. If you are interested in me or my old games by all means continue reading!
Hello and welcome to my page! My name is Hannah and I'm 14 years old. I love almost every animal there is but my favorites are tigers, dolphins and of course, HORSES!!! I love movies like lotr, Hobbit, anything Disney, Born Legacy and Flicka. My favorite tv show's are almost any murder show or stuff like Sherlock. I also love writing and am currently writing a trilogy that I sadly can't work on as much during the school year. I believe there is only one God and that he sent his son to die for us. If you don't like Christians or are just going to bash my faith, don't PM me. If you have any faith questions or curious about why I believe just ask. If you are a christian as well I would love to get to know you!!! My friends are really close to me and might as well be family. The only one on here, that's my friend in real life, is yodarider. I do accept random friend requests as long as you have a reason as to why you want to be my friend. Please don't ask me questions that are supper personal. I will ask you to stop at first but if it continues I will report you. I'm looking forward to my first year of high school this year at a performing arts school in Minnesota. If this is you as well (starting high school) and you need some encouragement for it go ahead and PM me. Hope you have a good rest of your school year! (Breeding and EC info is below) Also, sign my guestbook in my forums!
Welcome to the information about my horses! I recently started KPWNs, Gypsy Vanners and Quarters. I have been working with Appaloosas for some time and have some random horses. A lot of my horses can be bought though I rarely put them up for sale. I have the same thing for breeding. I don't tend to put my males up in the breeding but if you want a covering I will accept it with a fair price. If you want a foal from one of my mares with your male it might cost more. I'm always looking for more horses of the breeds I have. Especially females. If you have any of my breeds that you are looking to sell send me a PM about it. If you are looking for a partner in any of these breeds I would gladly work with you. I also just got a unicorn. She has hestia's gift so if you want or need a unicorn of quarter breed I would love to help!If you have any questions I didn't answer or need clarification, just PM me!
Now for my EC. My EC is called The Northern Meadows. I'm usually very full so you will need to either PM me. (If need be I can try to buy another box). I'm currently working on getting showers and upgrading my boxes. I'm constantly growing something as long as it's the correct season especially since I only have 1 greenhouse. Not as much to say here but if you think there's something else you think I can work on PM me! Hope you will join my EC and see you around in the game!