'Yallo there!

(( ADULT PLAYER - 25+ | Goes by Ky | Avid writer and reader | Geek ))

 Just a veteran, non-pass-buyer player ( I bought passes to get Arthur ... but I have no regrets ) who ocassionally pays attention to coats and Wandering horses, so don't expect too much from me and my horses ( they, too, are doing their best ), we procrastinate in life a little too much.

 Mexican, cat personality, now a veterinarian after years of torture lol. I also spend an unholy amount of time roleplaying in Twitter, so there's that.

 NOW, in my attempt to show more about me, here's the master list!

 ( no, it is not because I don't know how to introduce myself, shut up )

 BOOKS : The night circus, A starless sea, House of Furies saga, Kingdom of the Wicked saga, Pendergast saga, Nation of the Beasts saga ( so many sagas, lol ) and many, many more. I'm a bookworm.
 MOVIES : The Greatest Showman.
 ANIME : Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Boku no Hero Academia, Blood of Zeus, Castlevania and +
 MANGA : yes.
 MOON : always.
 MUSIC : always moving between Adam Jensen, Rosendale and youtube singers nobody knows about.

 ... yes, that's it.
 Thanks for reading!

 See ya later, alligators!

 Useless PS : I will forever protect Erwin Smith. My most precious son. Beware, I will not hesitate to burst out crying at the smallest hint of him.

 Useless PS numero dos : Gale Winsor is my Best Boy. Periodt.

 Useless PS number tres : Gojo is best boy ; I have no proof, but no doubts either.

× Do remember I am an adult player.
× I do NOT accept random friend requests anymore. Sorry.
× The only horses on sale are already there, don't ask for the ones that are not.
× Respect is given when received. Fair warning, I do bite when provoked.
× I am not religious ( if you couldn't tell ), I'm pan (LGTB+) and I'm a marvelous heathen. Please. Don't talk to me about things that might be upsetting, for you or me ; in exchange, I promise to do the same. R e s p e c t.

× Be aware I am slow at PMs, but I try to answer as fast as possible.

COLDTHISTLE HOUSE ; special coats.
DIVINE MENAGERIE ; ... what it sounds like, exactly.
VALHALLA ; bunch of horses I already took care of.
THE SEVEN SEAS ; unicorns.
PEMBERLEY ; working on these babies.
THE OTHER HORSES ; coat collection (FINALLY COMPLETED *happy dance*)

Layout & icon made by me.
Icon art comes from "Tobias & Guy" by Daryl Toh.
Gale Winsor art comes from "Dark Heaven" by azjuns.
And the lil kitten is by Vincent Trinidad.
