this account was made in memory of my brother Andrew Dahl who at 24 yrs old was taken from family and friends who loved him so very much.that's why my 1st 2 horses on here are named what they are. Andrea and Andrew are not for sale so please d0nt ask.Thank you and HAPPY HOWRSING . I am currently looking to possibly join some teams mainly for QH and curly breeds and possibly fjords, so if you know some one whos looking for people to join the teams or your self is looking for people to join then please pm me. Thank you
I love this game i am addicted to it

All my Males have coverings out for 500e please check them out if your interested in any of them for a covering out for your mare please take the covering and if ur interested in one of my males and there are no coverings out for that horse please pm me i will reserve a covering for you. Thanks.