Hello everyone!
I am excited to be back on this site! I sadly forgot about it for many years, but I am back and better than ever. I am understanding this site more everyday, but would love any tips other user have! 

So, I want to share a little bit about myself and my experiences with animals, specially horses in general.  
I am 20 years old, I grew up in a small town in the mountains of Colorado. Growing up I was fortunate enough to have a lot of different kinds of pets including, dogs, cats, parrots, rodents, fish and a horse. This love for animals has drove me to start school as a veterinary technician. I've never had a barn of my own but luckily a lot of my neighbors did. One neighbor in particular, owned my first horse, Ranger at the time. 
In 2015 I started going over to her barn to groom, muck and feed the horses. This work lead to trail rides around our beautiful, wilderness, neighborhood. Over time I started riding Ranger. He was a more green broke horse compared to their other older, broke horse Red. Ranger was a 15 year old, 16 hands, Arab Quarter horse mix. He was incredibly smart, but with the smartness came attitude and testiness. A lot of horse for a young girl that just started to really get into riding. His owner wanted to get a different horse, in particular a Tennessee Walker. So on my 16th birthday Ranger became my horse! 
A few months later I Moved him to a different barn a little bit further away but with an actual riding instructor. Ranger and I had our ups and downs but I loved him so much. He just had so much personality to him. His favorite treat is a PP&J!!! He became pretty welled trained. Even started to learn how to jump! About a year later I made the decision to sell him before I went off to college. Over all it was a good idea, but man, I miss his stubborn ass! 
Funny enough a lady that owned Ranger before my neighbor did saw my ad and was interested in him! She ended up buying him back. She raised him  from like 5-10. She told me before she had him an evil man owned him. Treated him very poorly causing Ranger too be deadly afraid of water! 

