Charlie | 18 | USA
Hi! It's been a Long Time, but I'm still here. I'm in college now and just rediscovered this game. Still obsessed with hockey!
Currently jamming to: Pretty Boy by The Neighbourhood
I'm always looking to expand my GA collection. If you ever have any immortal GA/RC's for sale, shoot me a PM!
Sorry I'm not on much but I only go through short periods of time where I'm obsessed with this game.
9/16/16 - 5.466th in General Ranking (the highest I've ever been and also in the top 10,000 which was a goal of mine)
9/2/16 - 666th day of seniority. Iconic.
1/24/17 - I reached 1,000,000e (1,044,957 to be exact) ((also a first))
As of 6/17/17 I adopted a red merle pit bull mix that I named Shea. A possible little brother is in the future.
2/24/18 I got a yorkie-pom puppy whom I named Ezra. Shea was rehomed in October of 2017 due to her cat aggression. Ezra is my ESA and he's the light of my life