Greetings visitor!
It is nice to meet you, my name is Sam. I've been playing Howrse for years now and building my account for a while. I take pride in the horses that I have bred, trained, and sold to new homes; which means they aren't cheap! I put hours of work into most higher end horses that I've sold. (Specifically in stable block B!) My favorite breed to contribute to is the paint horse, my goal is to breed them to have higher overall skills. If I am not satisfied with a horse I've produced, I usually sell them for cheaper. I often buy skillers from the direct sales page and transform them into equus winning, GA wearing, skiller producing horses. More often than not, hours have been put into these specific horses to unleash their potential in the world of Howrse.
If you see a horse in my barns that sparks your interest, feel free to make a reasonable offer. To give you a perspective, my GA/RC skillers typically sell at auction for 200k and up! My horses are not cheap, but in my personal opinion, you very well get what you pay for. Cookies and Cream, Thunderstruck, and Alvaro are my pride and joy, which means I am very touchy with offers on these three critters. I most likely will absolutely never sell these, but if you persist, I wish you luck on trying to pull them out of my cold dead hands.