XI am starting a Kerry Bog team, PM me if you are interested in joining!

I do breed high GP and 1* donkeys! I am currently (taking/not taking) orders! PM me if you are interested in purchasing any. Information below.


High GP donkeys generally have 425- 430 GP

Males: 650 passes
Females: 800 passes


1* Donkeys normally have 430+ GP

Males: 1500 passes
Females: 2000 passes

If you would like, you may keep track of your foal. All orders will be in the "Orders" tab of the breeding farm "Donkeys". Foal will be named with your username and 1* donkeys will have a "*" in front of your user.

I am always looking for BMI, horses 30+ years WITHOUT a stone, female horse, DAs, GAs and RCs that I do not yet have!!