Hey everybody! Here is some stuff about my game. I breed Thoroughbreds for racing, breeding and selling. All of my Thoroughbreds (Except the ones for sale, they have the number of stars before their names) are named after real Thoroughbreds that I either know, knew, or have heard of. Starsovertheriver is a mare that I used to know, and Unreachable Star is one of her son's who I helped raise and got to watch race almost every time he was at the track. Unreachable Star retired on the 4th of October 2014. All of the horses with the affix "Is Staying Put", "Stonecut Legends" or have "AKA" in front of a name are real horses that live/lived or were born at the real Stonecut Farms. I hope you enjoy looking through my horses, if you are interested in buying one of them or breeding to one of the stallions, pm me and I'll let you know if that horse is for sale/will reserve a covering for your mare. Have fun looking through my page and playing Howrse!

Stonecut Farms
Izza Star
Died November 16th 2014
She broke her leg and had to be put down .
She was Starsovertheriver's daughter.
She was six years old.
Raced seven times, had a first, a third, three sevenths, and two eighth places. She earned $34,486 total.
She was retired from the track due to injury, and she was going to be a broodmare but never got in foal.