I BUY ANY GA HORSE FOR 20000e. Just PM me.
Hello! My name is Michelle. I own 2 horses and have been riding for over 15 years. I had another account under the name of michierenee but I was hacked so I had to start over, so even if my seniority is low, I have been an active player for some time now.
Navajo Wind Talker - GP 1891.27 , 131* , BULP - 100 - Fee 7500
Pm me if interested in coverings
All horses are for sale if offer is acceptable. PM me if you are interested in amy of my horses. Please no lowball offeres I have worked hard for these horses
I'll fully train and bold your horses for the price of 7k. (1.5k per bar done) if you would like you horse's skills bolded the price is 14k and skills, bolded and BLUP will cost you 22k