Also: Looking for Harmony Packs and! Please PM me if interested in selling OR trading!
Will pay Equus, Passes, BMIs, horses, or other items for RC coats at bottom of page!
In EC forum: Links to Companions in Sales & Cheap Foal Ordering
Hello and welcome to my page! I have been playing Howrse for a very long time. My first account had around 900 days of seniority and this one has over 1,000 so I am a pretty experienced player. I am always willing to help out other players so make sure to keep checking the Special Offers section at the bottom of my presentation for deals and sometimes free things! It's constantly changing so be sure to keep coming back!
Any horses in the "Other Horses" tab is for sale and all are negotiable! Feel free to offer on horses in the other tabs too but I will probably not accept!
I will purchase any horse for the following prices:
GA: 190k - 240k
RC: 290k - 340k
5th Element: 40k - 60k
Unicorn: 30k - 60k
Winged Unicorn: 190k - 240k
Pegasus: 40k - 65k
Donkey: 35k - 40k
Draft Horse: 25k - 40k
Winged Draft Horse: 50k - 75k
Other: 3k - 25k
{Of course prices will vary depending on GP, coat, element, breed, covers, and other items the horse, pony, donkey, or draft horse has.}
500e Horses!!
{PM me one of the following words and I will reserve you a horse for you for 500e! If you're lucky, it could be a GA, Uni, or have high GP!}
Find a Knight in Shining Armor!
{Find Knight in my horses and win a 2** Blanket, color of your choosing! You must PM me and tell me his breed, coat color, and GP!}
{Hint: He is in the "Special" tab}
Legolas's Apples
{Find Legolas in the Special Horses tab and give him an apple! I will congratulate you and give every 5th player a BMI!}
Currently Looking for these Coats
{PM me if you are wanting to sell}