Anyone who reads this will get a BMI(black market item), send PM 
Hello, this is Bambi567! I am not a minor, so please keep that in mind when messaging me! I breed quarter horses known as Supernatural Quarters. I love Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day! I've even seen them in concert before. :) I used to be in a graphics group on Howrse a few years back, but we've all moved on. Contact me with any graphics (or coding) related questions, I'll try to help. I do have a DeviantArt page (same username) where all of my graphics are posted (some are also posted in my EC)! I do random BMI giveaways, be on the look out!
I'M ALWAYS LOOKING FOR PHILOSOPHERS STONES! I'm Always looking for immortal GA horses, or immortal regular horses. I will buy any horse for 3,000e!