~!WeLcOmE tO mY pAgE!~
About Me:
-I am an adult. I love all kinds of animals. I currently own one dog named Ozzy, who is a cocker-spaniel poodle mix. I also own 4 pet rats names Tria, Queen, Brier and Stew.
Fav Books: Harry Potter, Silverwing Bat series, Brothers Karamazov
Fav Movies: Spirit, Freaky Friday, Studio Ghibli Movies
Fav shows: The Office, Death Note
Fav Animals: Elephants, dogs, cats, rats, leopards, horses, giraffes, cheetahs, lions, tigers, basically anything
Fears: I hate spiders and the dark
My Game:
-My name is sherbet119. I have been on here since 2012, and I had a previous account before that as well as accounts on separate servers. I also participated in the Howrse Cup.
- I sometimes go several months without coming on here, so if I disappear for a while don't worry ;)
-I like doing my own mini projects- currently I am breeding low GP donkeys.
I also am a GA collector.
-Fun Fact: I was 78th in the popularity rankings once ;)