Go to Nightmare12's forum  today! They have a wonderful RPG! You don't want to miss it!

I am collecting Aging Points
I am searching for Cheap Passes

PitaPata Horse tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
 My Page is Epilepsy Safe


I breed all available horses and ponies on Howrse. PM me or leave a message in my Forum for more of my horse information, including: coverings from my stallions, covering my mares, buying foals (colts and/or fillies), buying a brood mare, and requesting Crossbreeds.

I prefer breeding the following horse/ponies:
Friesians, Gypsy Vanners, Paint Horses, Mustangs, Thoroughbreds, Marwaris, Tennessee Walkers, and Lusitanos.


During spring, I rotate between Carrots and Flax. I only have the highest quality bedding for the horses staying at my E.C. I also try to keep carrots in abundance. I may start creating mashes but that's not a priority on my E.C. list of things to do. Summer, I grow only wheat. It provides more equus than turnips. I do not grow apples. Fall/winter is a mixture of flax, carrot, and wheat but I also take breaks from growing produce during fall and winter. I am always in need of employees, particularly Grooms and Horse Riding Instructors, so if you are in need of employment, please let me know ASAP. Whenever I can afford to do so, I upgrade the stalls and buy larger fields for crops/pastures. Ask for a stall reservation! I reserve as many as you want!

In search of horses with companions! It doesn't matter if it's purebred or cross.

In search of cheap passes! Please notify me ASAP.

I accept all friend requests!


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