I keep an up-to-date list of both the Ascent divines, and the weekend divine offers in my EC forum. I started doing this in 2022, and have a separate topic for each year. If you want to know the last time a divine was offered, have a look through those topics. If you're on a PC, you can use CTRL+F and then search the divine's name on each page.
I'm also looking for these coats:
Chief Joseph Blanket Appy and Ribbons And Roses
I have a YouTube channel with over 50 Howrse videos that includes game play and event tips.
If you'd like to see Howrse tips and let's plays, you can look up my channel, which is Legacera, or search for "Free Divine Quest."
Sales Notes. **Please Read!!**
>Please do NOT ask me to give you items. It's rude, and I work for what I have. If I can do it, you can too!
>Please do NOT ask to buy *any* of my GAs/RCs/special coats. **No exceptions**
>Please do NOT ask to buy any horse that is not already for sale.
>If I don't have "negotiate" under a horse in the DSs then it's NOT negotiable
>If I have a horse in the auctions, then please don't ask me to reserve it for you in the RSs.
>Please do NOT ask if I'll negotiate on my exchanges.
>Please do NOT ask if I will buy any of your horses, unless it's something I have advertised on my page/EC forum for. I usually only do this with Retired Coats.
If you're looking for tips/strategies on completing a promo without spending real money I have a 2 part guide in my forum. You can view Part I and Part II in my EC forum and use the tips in a way that works for you. Hope it helps!
I also have topics where you can view all the Vintage Apple coats even if you don't have a VA in stock.
There are several other topics with game tips as well.
On 15 August 2016 I bred a (possibly the first?) foal with a minimum of 1000GP in every skill. He's Got It All actually a minimum of 1022GP as that is his lowest skill so he surpassed what I was hoping for! I had to wait awhile to do this project as the available GPs to work with did not make this mathematically possible until recently, so if he's not the first foal on Howrse with these stats he's certainly one of the first!. Once I skill him he'll have at least 1200 in every skill. **UPDATE** I've come up with a long term project for this line and am placing all horses bred in it under the "Frasers of Lovat" affix (yes, based on the Outlander books), and I renamed "He's Got It All" to "Jamie Fraser." I wrote up notes on it and you can read about it by clicking the affix.