Horses Rule
I am a horse lover and would love to have a horse someday and plan to but in the meantime I will play howrse. Okay about me i am a girl 11-15 years old and i live near Seattle. Just so you know the best place i have ever ridden horses is at a camp and day ride place called LANGS HORSE AND PONY CAMP you have to go there its awesome! I love all animals i have lots too. I have a dog ,two cats, two bunnies, two anoles, a frog, a crested gecko, and lots of fish. Some things i enjoy include rock climbing with my best friend ever, playing soccer, riding motorcycles, caring for my pets, and playing with my neighbor in my back yard. I have a trampling a rope swing back there. Now, about my account. I know my equestrian center sucks and i am sorry about that, I will be improving it soon. I will selling okay horses soon. I'm also breeding more horses now with 8 or so pregnant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my first breed uni Rosey i am willing to sell my uni foals for a fair price or trades.
My PM sales are horses i am selling just make an offer.
feel free to take anything from my page
99% of teenage girls would leave everything they do to get a boyfriend. Copy and paste this on your page if you are part of the 1% that would dump him for a horse
***Can you raed tihs? I cuodlnt bieleive that I cuold atcaully unredtsand waht I was radeing. The amzaing pwoer of the hmuan mnid , acorcindg to a resaerch at Cabmrdgie Unviresity , it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltters are in , the olny imortpant thnig is that the frist and lsat ltters are in the rghit odrer. If you can raed tihs , copy it and post it on yuor prnesetatoin!***
98% of girls would cry if Justin Bieber disappeared off the face of the Earth. Post this on your page if you are one of the 2% that would run around the house screaming: "Yeah! I'll never have to hear his irritating voice ever again!"

Have you ever stopped to think just what horses sent to the slaughter house have to go through?? Did you know, they are taken in cattle trucks and half of them die on the way?? Did you know that when they get there, they are given nothing to eat or drink and are squished with heaps of other horses into a tiny yard??Did you know that they shoot them over and over in the head with a nail gun and half the time they are still conscious. Do you know they hang them, cut their throats, and then let them bleed to death?? I bet you didn't. Did you know, they do this in front of the horse next to go so they know exactly whats going to happen to them?? Did you know they take mothers AND foals?? Did you know they take the foal away from the mother and let them watch their baby get killed brutally?? Or it can happen the other way round... If you've read this and you don't care LEAVE MY PAGE if you've read this and do care put it on your page and let everyone know of the real horrors that go on behind those awful walls.
I was reluctant to put this on my page because it made me so sad but i figured if i want it to stop the least i could do is help spread awarness