Looking for Fertility Wands ! Please pm me and we can work out a price
I also buy horses with 30k+ skills for $60k each. Reserve and I will pick them up.
FREE AGING POINT: Check out my Archimedes HERE
Looking for a horse? Check out the Sales Tab.
WELCOME to my page !!
My name is DaVinci and I am an adult player from the US. I've been playing howrse on and off since 2007. I am mostly here now to have fun and work on my unicorn farms.
Check out my unicorn tabs! As of now I currently have 150+ IMMORTAL Uni's! Almost all have either GA, RC, and/or some type of rare companion. Most are under my Special Unicorn's tab, but not all.
I am mainly working on my immortal uni collection, as well as breeding donkey unicorns, and Polish unicorns.
If you see something you like, shoot me a pm