8/9/20 Update! (after many, many years, it seems)
Well, I've never had Pegasus Account subscription before, and I'll probably never have it again, but let's enjoy it while it lasts!
My only problem is, I have so many lovely horses, picking favourites is so difficult! At the moment I have my originals from 2012, so horses I got from the tutorial or from the old objectives, also some Welshies which I bred from my foundies, not to mention my Curly and Tennessee Walker foundies won from contests, my first (and up until today, my only) unicorn, plus the few other horses born that year.
Also, my presentation is a bit of a mess with pictures being deleted and so forth... I'll fix it one of these days!
***A big thank-you to the wonderful shushu, who made my beautiful avatar, and the graphic below!***
Happy Moderators' Day Everyone! (1/7/2012)
Thank you to all the kind people who clicked on my Piñatas and who threw me some Hearts!
Thank you to all who congratulate me - I really appreciate it!
Thank you to all who helped me to tame my wild horse! (11/7/2016)
(4/2/2014) On this day, 2 years ago, I joined Howrse! Not that my seniority reflects it...
About my game (September 2020)
I used to buy new horses all the time, but I'm trying to curb that habit, at least until I sort out the horses I have! The most immediate concern is my near foundie GP horses. To give you an idea of the scale of the situation, I have 140 unBLUPed horses with less than 1000 GP. With the average GP and skills of horses far higher today than it was 8 years ago, it's very challenging for horses like these to get their wins. And so I ask myself, why didn't I BLUP them before now? Many of them I have had for five years or more. Because, I suppose, it has been difficult for these horses for a long time now. But the reality is, if I don't try now, it's only going to get harder.
Update! Today (24/9/20) my scheme has seen its first major success! Home Shadow (original breeder horseylova) and Frosted Chestnut (original breeder annie skye :)) are the first <1000 GP horses to be BLUPed under my new scheme! I have had some discouraging days where I thought I wasn't going to get anywhere, so this is a real milestone!
On a side note, it seems that, in general, it is proving easier to BLUP my classically-specialised horses (mostly in dressage competitions) than my western-specialised ones. Hopefully the latter will have a bit more success soon. (Apologies, by the way, if my low-skilled horses winning your competitions is driving your prestige down... It's all in a good cause!)
Further scheme successes:
Black Tide (29/9/20)
Misha (1/10/20)
Kani (9/10/20)
Silver Star (9/10/20)
Lily Of The Valley (10/10/20)
Karlton (18/10/20)
Rachel (23/10/20)
Phantom Daydream (27/10/20)
Welshie (2/11/20)
Naysa (16/11/20)
Dash Of Silver (17/11/20)
Tom (17/11/20)
Timmy (21/12/20)
Chico (5/1/21)
Flora (17/2/21)
***Wishing everyone on Howrse a very merry good Christmas. And a Happy New Year, for that matter.***
My First Unicorn
My First Pony with a Golden Apple Coat
My First Curly
My First Tennessee Walker
My First KWPN
My First Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Second Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Second Pony with a Golden Apple Coat
My First Pegasus with a Golden Apple Coat
My Third Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Third Pony with a Golden Apple Coat
My Fourth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Fifth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Sixth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Seventh Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Eighth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Ninth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Tenth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Seventeenth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat
My Sixth Pony with a Golden Apple Coat
My Third Horse with a Magic Hat Coat
My Eighteenth Horse with a Golden Apple Coat is Joanna the Morgan. As you can see, I am having trouble getting the picture of the coat to appear.
~In Remembrance~
Lest We Forget.
This is Rocket, a Silver Labrador Retriever! At the moment, he is a year old, and rather hyper!
Isn't he adorable? I adopted him from WildHooves on the 1st of May, 2014! (Thank-you WildHooves!)