Welcome to horsebandit41's page!


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIv3SHRzBfvH0v1G3L4ZyZ5k--0-kG7C74CiHGm8GsZNtFYK9sHQ&s**Howdy!! Glad to see you've stopped by a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png** 

Happy Howrsing!

~I have been on howrse since 2012 but have only really been playing for enjoyment. I don't specifically focus on certain breeds, trophies, or rankings competitively. I do have certain goals in mind for myself such as reaching 5,000 in ranking and having over 2,000 horses! 

~If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to PM me! I am always up for making friends so add me if you wish! 

~I do want to get over 2000 horses, so if you have any horses for sale, put them in reserved sales for 7500 to 9500! I will also buy donkeys or drafts that don't have coverings left. 

~I want to get above 3,000 in rankings. Highest I've been is 4765ᵗʰ on 3/29/2021.

~I am working on getting all the coat trophies! As of today, I have 67% of them..

~I am also looking for golden apples. I like to add them to my "favorite" horses as I go along. If you have offers or trades, PM me or make a trade (fair please!)

horsebandit41's Bio

~Hi there! I'm a master's student studying Veterinary Science. I just graduated with my bachelor's in Animal Science.  I love discussing all things animal, science, and horse-related! My goal is to be a farrier/equine vet someday. I'm just a lady who loves books, chickens, hamsters, writing, cows, Netflix, and anything else you'd think a Gen Z would like! I  married my high school sweet heart in September of 2020. 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.pngThat's enough about me! 

~I have had the pleasure of being the rider of three horses- Cassie, Lucky Star, and Sunshine. Cassie was a 26-year-old Arab/QH cross. Lucky is an 11-year-old Arab/QH mare. Sunshine is a 12-year-old Missouri Foxtrotter. 

~I got Cassie when I was a young girl. She was 18 at the time. I got to own her for 8 years before she was diagnosed with COPD at the age of 26. About 6 months after her diagnosis, we concluded that the disease was just too much for her, and opted to put her down. She was the best first horse and I miss her dearly

~I got Lucky a year after I got Cassie. I got Lucky as a barely weaned filly! We grew up together. I broke her when I was 14 and we've been the best of pals ever since. I did have her started at barrels and poles, but life got in the way and we haven't returned to it much. 

~I got Sunshine a year after Cassie passed. I adopted Sunshine from my local rescue and that's pretty much it. She used to be a scared-y cat about everything but now she's super brave! She's an awesome horse to ride and is so loving and sweet to new people. 

~I also own chickens and cats. I hope to own some guinea fowl (currently have 1!!), cows, and a dog in the future

That's all I got for ya! Happy howrsing!

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