Name- Brandi Michelle Axford
Age- 28.
Pronouns: She/her.
Birthday- 01/30/1997
Sex- Female.
Orientation- Bi.
Zodiac- Aquarius.
likes/ Books, drawing, role play, music, video games, Netflix, animals, blue colors, food.
dis/ baked beans, bullies, being yelled at, controlling people.
Fears- Clowns.
Fun Facts-
•I’m a mother of 1.
•Girlfriend of 8 years and now wife of 3 years
•Obsessed with cats.
•Been role playing since 2012.
•Very detailed when role playing.
•Blue is an amazing color.
•I love my husband and our son, Mathew.
•I’ve been journal writing since I was 14.
That’s all for now!