MANY OF MY FRIENDS ARE CURRENTLY INACTIVE [yes, they're still on my friends' list because i don't want to give up on them, ok? (ಡ‸ಡ)]: and so i'm looking for people who wouldn't mind being added to a stranger's list for the sake of the promos that involve/require sending & receiving help. if you're fine with that, feel free to send me a request (•ᴗ•).

A L S O: howrse was really fun, but adult life has gotten on the way and i've been unable to keep up with the game the last couple of years. i am a MA student from europe that has to work in addition to studying (girl gotta eat), which is  e x h a u s t i n g, and as a result i'm unable to log in more than a couple of times within a week. i don't deliberately ignore any messages or friend requests, i'm just trying to survive amid classes, research, and work. which is... challenging (ಥωಥ).

G A M E: i don't really breed my own horses anymore, i mostly buy foals from independent breeders and do miserable lil' blups.  my aim with them is to win as many rosettes as possible and maybe place within the first five hundred horses in the grand prix. my current precious gem is Queen Nefertiti in the "terripilita" breeding farm (•ω•).  i used to try my luck with unicorns back in the day, but i barely do anymore (lack of aging points, what a mess...). i am currently o b s e s s e d with the ascent of olympus and collect the ancient greek divines religiously, but that's pretty much all i do lately.

apart from these little things, I accept all friend requests, respond to all messages and gladly help with the promos (•֊•).

now, bye (ᵘωᵘ)

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