Also, the whole 'u' and 'ur' thing drives me nuts too, but my presentation wouldn't say if I wrote 'you' after the 'if', because I guess Howrse thought I was trying to swear, so I had to change it. Sorry!


If ur  one of these people, post it on your page:

If someone tells you "don't look now", but you do anyway. If ur can't stand to hear your own voice in videos or recordings. If u sit in your car waiting for the song you love to be over, then leave. If u hate waking up from a good dream and it won't come back. If u think those 5 extra minutes of sleep really make a difference. If ur fridge has NOTHING in it to eat, no matter how full it is. If u stand in the shower for ages because the hot water feels soooo good. If u hate getting out of the shower and it's FREEZING. If u haven't lost it... you just... haven't found it yet. If u stop the microwave before it hits 0:00 to avoid hearing the loud BEEPs. If u hate it when you think of a really good comeback after the argument. If u  love it when teachers get off track and tell you stories about their life.   




I am a teenage girl who obviously loves horses, as well as all other animals, although wolves are a special favourite of mine. I live in South-Western Ontario (Canada), but I wish I could live somewhere up North, because I avidly follow mushing and it's my dream to do it myself.                                                                        I am an animal activist, as well as an environmentalist, and animal rights are JUST as important to me as human rights are. For that reason, I am a proud vegetarian.                                I love books and all literature (my passion is WRITING), I am a certified book nerd, and some of my favourite authors are Laini Taylor, Alexandra Bracken, Victoria Aveyard, Tahereh Mafi, and Rick Yancey. If u wanna chat about anything (whether if be on one of the topics I said I like or something else, please PM me... P.S. Some of my favourite series are the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, the Darkest Minds trilogy, the Hunger Games and Red Queen. :) )  
And since this section is pretty (WAAAAAAY) too long, I'm gonna cut it off right now. Byee. :)

My Game

I am a proud mustang breeder (as the layout suggests), and have been for quite some time. Currently, I'm working on blupping my highest GP mustangs, then I will focus on breeding (and selling) foals. If ur also a mustang breeder and want to arrange a deal (be if with blupping, training, a breeding group or if u just wanna chat), feel free to PM me, I don't bite (unless you're food)     For high GP and high skilled mustangs, I'm currently focusing on mares, so that they can be bred, although I soon will be working on skiller stallions. If u would like to arrange coverings, PM me for/with details.                        I don't think there's much else to say in this department, other than the horses in the Howrse Haven breeding farm, Skillers breeding farm or Training/Blupping breeding farm are not for sale. That also goes for divines. Feel free to offer on the other horses, no guarantees, but it's worth a shot. :)



I have been off Howrse for a while, but am back now. I am now working to re-store my EC. I have a whole bunch of new topics in my forum, a few of which are games, a few of which are stories that I have written. I have a good prestige, tack, and employees. If u wish for me to reserve you a box, or a job, just PM me.
Layout designed by 2bpixie code generated at howrseinfo.com


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Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com! ithinkfasterthanyou.jpgo9mrzd.jpg ce44781cec3ed3eb8fa992e0565e3c0ba38da7074sn1n6_th.jpgGravity.jpgd7de2da1ffe8c8a05c0eab17e32c2dcf31486079505772b482355720c058b46e2aae62bb85974891ad47f58bde753cc532df461992e89e21a32f7451th_aaab4df5d60ee4d33f2728b69e88f5992a6.j1805311.jpg?zekhzejdfzgcc458717906_ec4644361239125749.jpg819c702e6adf168de209f0b96995c9ff7c10846627288310.jpg1553782jhhl1n9qz3.jpgwriter.jpgnovely.jpg225640iweqmi41d7.gif  Now look for the 'N'. This is really hard.MMMMNMMMMMMMMMMM. Now find the mistake:ABCDEFGHIJKLNMOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Now wish for something you really want after this count down. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, Now close your eyes and make a wish.************. Now put this as your page and your wish will come true. You have 19 minutes. If u dont you will get the opposite of your wish it really works

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