About my game:

I play for fun mostly.
I have decided to start to collecting 
 trophies so  I am buying unwanted horses
 between 500e - 2500e.
I am always up to chat.
I ALWAYS accept friend requests.
I try to return congratulations,  but if I 
 miss you just PM me and I'll make sure to do it.

About me:
I am a huge Marvel and Star Wars nerd.
I love just about all music.
I play two instruments, violin and piano.
I am a very outdoorsy person.  
 I love hiking, spring diving, sports
(Swim, Weightlifting, and Tennis).
Kinda boring tbh.
I've been on this game 13 years 
 and I still don't have a cool presentation.


.Jesus saved us. Jesus said, "If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my Father." 97% of you won't repost this. I was one of the 3% that did.  

I said to Jesus, "How much do you love me?" Jesus replies, "This much." And stretched out his arms on the cross and died. If you love Jesus, 

****Repost on your page if you are against animal abuse!****