~*~ Why yes, I am Canadian. Yes I live in an igloo, yes I rode a Polar Bear to school, yes we play outdoor hockey all year long... and yes, I'm being sarcastic. ~*~

Hi Everyone,
I am currently breeding Gypsy Vanners (Dreamin' Gypsies) as well as having a few other horses. My 'Equine Sale Barn' is the ONLY place where horses will be available for sale.

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

I am female, young adult player, I love to RPG. I currently have a kitten (Sir Percival) and a bearded dragon (Ignis Flamberge Cooper). In the past, I have had hamsters and rabbits, an evil gerbil, a couple betta fish, a Miniature Horse, a Thoroughbred and more cats. I do like to chat, so send me a PM (: