Hi!  I'm Windy's Mom.  Windy is my avatar.  She is the result of an unplanned breeding when her momma (a registered Racking Horse) broke into the registered Paint's pen!  Windy and I have been together since she was 10 months old, but I first saw her and fell in love with her when she was just 3 months old.  I fell in love with a picture on the internet!

Recently I decided to leave big city life and move to rural Idaho.  So much nicer hearing the birds, coyotes and cows than people and sirens!

Windy is no longer with me, due to....life.  But she will always be in my heart and has been tattooed on my left chest.

I enjoy quilting, sewing, gardening, feeding the wild birds and squirrels.

Hope I didn't bore you too much!  Have a great day!  50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png