I am offline. Please congratulate me & sign my Guestbook in my forum. Thanks.
I reply to PMs as soon as I can.
I really need AGING POINTS, so if you would like to donate some to me I would be extremely appreciative. I will donate you an item back as my thank you!

I am looking around to buy the following companions: Ghost #1, Camel, Ladybug and Bee. If you have or are selling a horse with any of these companions please let me know via a private message. All dropping and aging point donations are greatly appreciated. I would like to say a huge thank you to littlebelle for creating this wonderful manip and to .:LadyCouture:. for coding it and being so patient and persistent with me.
I am a teenage girl and I live in Australia. I am on the Australian version of Howrse as Clear-stone, so feel free to use me as a sponsor if you decide to join. I absolutely love horses and my favourite breed is the Friesian. I ride, take riding lessons and have been on countless trail rides, but sadly I do not have a horse of my own. But I still have important animals in my life: my irreplaceable miniature dachshund (sausage dog) Montie, my tropical fish, bird and 2 chickens. I love to dance. I currently do Classical ballet, which includes Pointe and Character. I have done Jazz and Tap in the past and I have been dancing ever since I was 3 years of age. I love to read too. A great series I have read is the WARRIORS and I recommend it. I have recently read 'If I Stay' and the sequel 'Where She Went'. These are two incredible and heart-warming books. I also love the Divergent series, and I am so excited about the movies since reading the books!
On Howrse I breed purebred Friesians and Friesian Unicorns, which I BLUP and skill. I try to produce the best quality I can and enjoy the game. My main affix is 'Of Supreme Blaze'. These horses are my supreme quality; purebred Friesians that I try to breed with high GP and to acquire high skill levels with. They are not necessarily the best on Howrse, but they make me very proud! Just a warning that I do not accept all friend requests. If you do send me a request (which I encourage) and I refuse it, please do not be offended, take it personally or ask why. Nothing inappropriate, mean, rude or considered bullying is tolerated by Howrse or myself. I will report you. Have some courtesy for Howrse and all the players that try to have a good time playing this game. Scammers are definitely not tolerated either. I have been scammed by a player and it was horrible. I do not know why someone would want to have such a bad reputation and be greatly disliked by many players. It is abusing the rules, fun and main reason for Howrse.
I buy passes for a negotiable price. I buy Horn of Plenty's for 150,000e each. Please PM me to sell. I trade Black Market Items for horses to replace passes, since I have no passes. If you wish to see the horses I am trying to sell please PM me. I am open to offers on them and negotiation, so please PM me. I will only accept offers for my horses that are already in the sales and if the offer is more than what the horse is originally selling for. I am looking to buy divines, so if you are selling a divine/s or know of any great sales please let me know. I am also looking for a Friesian Unicorn Stallion/Foal for my breeding program. Criteria: Classical riding horse, Purebred, No older than 20 years (with a Philosopher's Stone any age is fine), 900+ GP. If you have a male Unicorn Friesian that fits this criteria I would love to hear about him. I will pay any price that is reasonable.
Always looking for divines to board. The Willow Valley Friesians (WVF) EC is a paradise for boarders. All breeds and species are welcome and can stay for a maximum of 30 days at a time (which you will not regret). WVF strives for and provides the very best in facilities from the highest quality flax bedding in 18m2 DH boxes with showers, to large fertile meadows with scarecrows. WVF offers free hire of Classical riding saddles, bridles and saddle cloths, as well as polo wraps and bonnets. My EC supplies carrots, mashes, oats and fodder which are in plenty of stock. Free reserved boxes are available so just PM me for one to receive a guaranteed next stay in the facilities. Don't forget to extend your stay. I will accept it as long as your horse is on or above the minimum skill level (it may have risen). WVF is always looking for divines to board so if you have a divine please consider this EC. If you have queries, ideas, or anything you would like to tell me please contact me via a PM.
Please enjoy scrolling through my small collection of icons. More will be arriving soon :) . .
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Thanks for browsing
♬Hey, did you hear? Sashibear is quitting the game. For all the other players out there, she is giving away EVERYTHING she has! Go sign up in her forum now, the giveaway ends at 500 entries!♬ {cherrygirl1 is having a MASSIVE 1,000,000e giveaway in her forum!!!} violiniste is having a QUITTING GIVEAWAY!! Go check it out now!

You say room: I say stall
You say mall: I say barn
You say shopping: I say riding
You say skirts: I say jeans
You say high heels: I say boots
You say boys: I say stallions
You say jewellery: I say spurs
You say clean: I say dirty
You say pedicure: I say farrier
You say cell phones: I say horses
You say horses suck: I say YOU BETTER RUN!
I reached 8th in popularity on the 3rd January 2014 with 411 visits and +34. Thank you so much everyone for your amazing help!
I am very grateful!
My highest achievement in General ranking = 4429th

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