About Me
My name's Samantha, but most people call me Sam. Please feel free to add me as a friend or PM me! I do not have a horse of my own, unfortunately. Cellist!! Lately have been very into Genshin Impact and Diablo IV, though I still find time for Howrse! My GameFocusing on TB's :) Also working on breeding Arab, Connemara, and Fjord unis. Starting to get into Draft Horse breeding as well.
Icons/Random stuff ![tumblr_static_33aok0giraskc4s40wgwo0cwo.gif](http://static.tumblr.com/ee44b42cdc5b88b1cf1ae31fa6b65b4c/ftcafmd/R4vnhotgy/tumblr_static_33aok0giraskc4s40wgwo0cwo.gif)