On the 3rd of August, 2024, we had to put my beloved cat down. Her name was Musu, she was 17 years old and she is on my profile picture. Musu had developed bone cancer in her upper yaw which meant that the treatment was not possible.
Rest in peace, my best friend, can't wait to see you again 
Congratulate Topaz!
Defrost Frost!
Stroke Xanthos!
Visit Archimedes!
Welcome to my page! 
Some facts about me:
- From EU
- Adult player, who's in their 20s
- That's my cat on my profile pic <3
- Favourite TV series are The Originals and The Vampire Diaries
- I also play a lot of League Of Legends (fav are Kindred and Yuumi)
- All of my passes come from my Divine horses + dailies
Main goal for the moment:
- Collect all the Egyptian horses - 6/11 collected