Hello, my name is Kerri. I'm 30+ years old, but not really all that mature, lol... I love to read, write, draw, and play video games. I also like pirates, vampires, werewolves, dragons, elves and all manner of supernatural/fantasy creatures. Also dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are awesome. I don't mind random PM's and friend requests 'n stuff, so go nuts! I'm also happy to give tips or answer questions about the game, so don't be afraid to ask. :%29.png?137722501

Feel free to visit me on DeviantArt if you wanna see some of my artwork. (l).png?730067386

(8).png?1009036530Check out my EC Forum if you have a moment to spare. It's open to all!(8).png?1009036530

5-17-2012: I won MARS from the Journey Cards! My first Divine!!
(he will offer coverings if you own a Venus! ^_^)


08-23-2013: Won AMBER from the The Horse Parade!


When promos and updates come around, be prepared for this:


If you'd like to request a covering from any of my horsies, go ahead and send me a message and we'll work stuff out! Also, none of my adult horses are for sale, so please don't ask!!

I rename almost every horse I buy. If you don't like it, well, don't sell your horse. ;)